حزیں حرف گر (۳)
اے آدم گر!
میں تیرے وصل کی خواہش کا مارا ہوا
ازل سے کاندھوں پہ روشنی کا بوجھ اٹھائے
جو کبھی میرے سامنے جھکی تھی
اب میرے ہر عمل کی گواہ ہے
میں سوچتا ہوں
وصل کیسے ممکن ہو
ہمارے درمیان ایک آتشیں دیوار ہے
وہ آگ جو مانندِ خوں مجھ میں رواں ہے
لمحہ بھر بھی اپنے کارِ...
Islam is the religion of peace and love for the humanity. It always ordered to his followers to treat other with kind and tolerance. The Holy prophet always proved himself the prophet of mercy as the Holy Quran Said, but we sent you as a mercy to the worlds. Islam spread through politeness. In Subcontinent the advent of Islam is a great achievement of the noble saints and sufis. D۔G Khan which was a purely Hindu area in the past and the several sufis came to this part of Punjab in the initial stage of Islam. They played glorious role in the advent of Islam in the region. Sufism is a deter-mine effort towards unity. His main purpose is to bring humanity close with one another, separated as it is into so many different units, closer together in the deeper understanding of life. The main task is to bring about brotherhood among races, nations and faiths and to respect one another's faith, scripture and teacher. Sufi is to confer Sympathy on these lives, to impart Love, Compassion and Kindhearted-ness on all creations. The Sufi message is the resonance of the same Divine message which has always come and will always come to inform humanity. This research paper highlights the services of sufis who influenced on socio religious life of the people of D۔G Khan.
This study investigated the role of gender and the game of power structures in Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and Candida by focusing on the functional use of language, and it is conducted with the viewpoint that Shaw highlighted Postfeminist tendencies through the construction of gender in his plays. The study is revisionist or rereading of Bernard Shaw in the light of Structural Functional model, which is based on the models provided by Sinclair and Coulthard and Carter and Burton. It examined the conversation in which the principal characters were involved by analyzing their acts, moves, exchanges and transactions. The results obtained from the analysis of both plays are highly revealing. In Pygmalion, there is a role reversal and the acts, moves and exchanges which are quite peculiar to Professor Higgins are adopted by Eliza towards the end of the play: throwing the slippers as an act of liberation. The study shows that Eliza’s sex remains the same, but her gender changes towards the end of the play when she decides to marry Freddy. In Candida, the maternal aspect of women is emphasized and recommended which refers to Shaw’s ambivalent attitude towards feminism as he tries to uphold patriarchy. The present study is a contribution to the field of language and gender issues that begins with the frameworks of deficient to dominance and difference. But the study tends to move away from an essentialist framework that regards gender as a fixed entity to a constructionist one that considers gender as a fluid social construct residing in interaction. As a result, the study reinforces Butler’s concept of gender as performative, that is, gender is a process which is neither complete nor consummate. Thus, the study upholds libratory and postfeminist tendencies as it helps to identify unequal gender relationship and sheds light on the maternal role of the female. This research is complementary to other approaches of text and is useful for students and teachers because it provides an objective way to explore and construct a response to a text independently. In other words, it equips us with a tool through which we can verify the subjective interpretation of a text made through thematic studies.