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اردو تفسیری ادب میں سائنسی اکتشافات: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ

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ریاض محبوب


ممتاز احمد سالک؛ جاوید اقبال




University of the Punjab



Degree Starting Year





قرآن اور سائنس


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 17:15:59





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منصف ہاشمی کی نثری نظمیں

منصف ہاشمی کی نثری نظمیں
نثر اور نظم میں کیا فرق ہے؟ نوراللغات میں ’’نثر‘‘ کی تشریح ان الفاظ میں کی گئی ہے۔ ’’وہ عبارت جو نظم نہ ہو‘‘۔ یعنی لفظ ’’نثر ‘‘ کی اپنی کوئی حقیقت نہیں ہے۔ اسے’’ نظم‘‘کے منفیانہ یا تنسیخی معانی سے ہی پہچانا جائے۔۔۔ نثر کے لغوی معنی ہیں :’’پراگندہ‘‘، ’’بکھرا ہوا‘‘ ۔اس کی صفات میں’’ خشک‘‘، ’’غیر شاعرانہ‘‘ وغیرہ الفاظ تقریباً ہر لغت میں پائے جاتے ہیں۔ نثر کو نظم سے قریب ترلانے کے لیے جو حربے استعمال کیے گئے ان میں جملوں کے آخری الفاظ کا مقفیٰ ہونا شرطِ اول تھی۔ گویا نثر پر نظم کو مسلط کرنا شرطِ اول تھی، نہ کہ نظم پر نثر کی فوقیت کو جتانا۔ درحقیقت نثر نگاری دوسرے درجے کی ادبی کاوش ہے جب کہ نظم گوئی سرِ فہرست تھی۔ بیسویں صدی کے آخری تیس چالیس برسوں میں ’’نثری نظم ‘‘ کو ادبی جریدوں میں جگہ ملنی شروع ہوئی۔ لیکن اردو نے کبھی اس بات کو تسلیم نہیں کیا کہ’’ غزل گو‘‘یا ’’نظم گو‘‘کی جگہ ’’غزل نویس‘‘یا ’’نظم نویس‘‘ بطور اصطلاح تسلیم کیا جائے۔ ’’سخن‘‘ کا مطلب ’’بات‘‘ نہیں بلکہ’’موزوں بات‘‘ تسلیم کیا گیا ۔ا س کے لوازمات میں آہنگ ، لہجہ (صوت) ،زحافات کو صفِ اول میں جگہ دی گئی۔
منصف ہاشمی کو فیس بک اور رسائل کی وساطت سے میں دو دہائیوں سے پڑھ رہا ہوں۔ ارکان اور زحافات سے معرا ہونے کے باوجود ان کا آہنگ ایسے بیانیہ پر مبنی ہے جس میں نظم کی خصوصیات موجود ہیں۔ ترصیع، تجنیس، سجع، آہنگ اور سب سے بڑھ کر امیجری، شعر یات کے تقاضوں کو پورا کرتی ہیں۔ مترنم نہ ہونے کے باوجود ان کا بیانیہ شاعرانہ غنایت کا حامل ہے۔ ان کی نظمیں مضمون نگاری کے حوالے سے خیال بندی اور معاملہ بندی کی شرائط پر بھی پورا اترتی ہیں۔
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An Evaluation of the 2020 Change to the Saudi Emergency Residency Program Assessment

Background Several changes have been made to the assessment component of Saudi residency training programs. Among those is the implementation of three examinations over the course of the year. Aim We aimed to explore the emergency residents’ perspective on the change in the number of examinations, and the impact of such changes in terms of time management, knowledge gain, and social life. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out from September to October 2022, using an electronic survey targeting emergency board trainees. Results One hundred and nine emergency residents enrolled, of whom 64.2% were male. The majority, 45%, were from the central province. Junior-level residents (R1) represented 26.6% of the sample, while R2 (second year) comprised 18.3%, R3 (third year) comprised 38.5%, and 16.5% were senior (R4) level. More than half of the participants, 56 % (n=61), did not support the change from one to three examinations and believed that it had a negative influence on knowledge gain and clinical skills. The influence of the change on time management stands out as a negative impact, in addition to its impact on social life and annual leave arrangements. Conclusions The support for three examinations throughout the year was low; a contributing factor to this may be the sudden changes effected by those tests on training and time management. A re-evaluation of testing culture and involving residents in decision-making might generate acceptance.

Exploring the Early Childhood Education Teachers’ and Grade I Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding School Readiness for Children’S Transition to Primary School: A Quantitative Study in the Context of Private Schools in Karachi

Early childhood years are significant for the development of young children and for later life. Children’s school readiness is an integral part for their holistic development consisting of physical well-being, social and emotional development, cognitive and language skills, understanding of the world, mathematical skills, and creative arts and so on. Given the scarcity of empirical studies on early years of children’s school readiness transitioning to primary education globally and specifically in the context of Pakistan, this study sought to explore early childhood education (ECE) and grade I teachers’ perceptions regarding school readiness for children’s transition to private schools across Karachi, Pakistan. A cross-sectional survey was carried out within the quantitative research paradigm. A total of 275 (162 ECE and 113 grade I) teachers selected through stratified random sampling technique, participated in the study. To fulfill the purpose of the study, a contextually relevant tool was developed, based on six key learning areas stated in the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (NC for ECE) 2017 for school readiness. A descriptive analysis was employed and the non-parametric ‘Mann Whitney U test’ was applied to explore the differences or similarities between the ECE and grade I teachers’ perceptions. The findings of the study reveal that both ECE and grade I teachers highly regarded all the competencies stated in NC for ECE 2017, as fundamental for young children’s school readiness. The results of the comparisons between these two groups of teachers were not significant for all six key learning areas. Whereas one comparison was significant (p = < 0.014) for the competency within Basic Mathematical Concepts i.e. number operations. This implies that grade I teachers regarded number operations more important for children starting grade I as compared to ECE teachers. The results of the study show that the similarities and differences in teachers’ perceptions suggest that opportunity must be provided to ECE and primary teachers to meet together to discuss the NC for ECCE for its effective use and also for the vertical alignment of curriculum. The study recommends further research in this area, especially qualitative inquiry for an in-depth understanding of school readiness, its opportunities and perceived challenges in the context of private schools in Karachi, Pakistan.