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Home > قصص قرآنی کا ماخذ: روایات کتبِ سماویہ یا وحی: استشراقی استدلالات کا تنقیدی جائزہ۔

قصص قرآنی کا ماخذ: روایات کتبِ سماویہ یا وحی: استشراقی استدلالات کا تنقیدی جائزہ۔

Thesis Info


طیب عثمانی


ممتاز احمد سالک




University of Management & Technology



Degree Starting Year





قرآن اور مستشرقین , قصص القرآن


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:08:49





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مولانا ثناء اللہ امرتسری كی تفسیر ثنائی كا اجمالی جائزہ

Tafseer-e-Sanai is a briefexagies of Holy Quran which was written by Montana Sana Ullah Amratsari (D: 1 948) . It has eight short volumes but has been separated in two compilations the first one hasfour volumes (1-4) <£ the second one (5-8) has also four volumes. First edition was published in 1313. Hijri & had been completed in 1349 Hijri i. e in 1931. This work was completed in 36 years. First volume ofthis tafseer was published in the life time ofSir Syed Ahmed Khan, but also it was sent to him. That's why in its early volumes, there were so many answers in response to Sir Syed's thoughts. It is worth mentioning that Moulana Amratsari has responded in a good manner to Sir Syed. Moulana was affiliated with the sect of Ahle-Hadees but after attaining the education from different institutions several ofsects like, Darul Uloom Deoband Madarsa-e-Kanpur, (i. e Deobandi & Brailvi) , Moulana had been freedfrom any single sect. He is known as a scholar of Islam, this tafseer is a witness of it. The Style & method of writing Tafseer is very unique that is why its style was adopted by a known scholar, Moulana Ashraf Ali thanvi and Moulana Abdul Qadeer Siddiqi's translation was also inspired by it. The Quranic letters ( are mentioned with meanings in it and 28 translations of are also determined in different places in the beginning ofSurah.

Study of Some Properties of Central Carbon- Carbon Collisions at 4. 2 a Gev/C

Central carbon-carbon collisions at 4.2 A GeV/c using: the experimental data coming from 2m propane bubble chamber; Dubna Cascade Model and Ultra relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics Monte Carlo codes have been studied in this thesis. The data has been analyzed with a new statistical method which is not sensitive to the background and doesn’t require any prior information on the dynamics of the interaction. The obtained results show that the behavior of the nearest neighbor spacing momentum distributions of particles produced from 12 CC collisions at 4.2 A GeV/c changes with multiplicity critically. A comparison of the experimental results with ones coming from the models gives a possibility/indication that the critical values can be connected with central collisions. Hence the critical values of multiplicity have been used to fix the centrality. The results obtained are independent of the prevalent models for such analysis.