56. Al-Waqi’ah/The Event
I/We begin by the Blessed Name of Allah
The Immensely Merciful to all, The Infinitely Compassionate to everyone.
a. When the Inevitable Event of Doom will descend, and herald the Resurrection,
a. then there will be no belying and denying of its descent;
a. it will be degrading and humbling some humans and jinn, and exalting some others.
a. When the whole of the terrestrial world will be shaken, shaken violently in a series of massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,
a. and the mountains will be made to crumble, utterly crumbling,
a. so as turning it to dust, scattered in the air like puffed wool.
a. And you all will be sorted out into the following three diverse categories:
a. As for the first category:
b. the People of the right hand side – the lucky and blessed ones;
c. how lucky and blessed will be the People of the right hand side!
a. And the second category:
b. the People of the left hand side – the unlucky and wretched ones;
c. how unlucky and wretched will be the People of the left hand side!
a. And the third category:
b. those in the foremost who would have taken the lead
c. – indeed they will be the foremost in their race to seek Allah’s Countenance!
a. For those will be the ones brought near,
a. in Gardens of Perpetual Bliss - abounding in peace, tranquility, and blessings.
Despite being the torch bearers of the glorious tradition of Islamic learning and ethical training, the madāris have been the target of Western on slaught in modern times. As immense importance was given to the acquisition of knowledge in Islam, the early centers of Islamic knowledge were imparting education according to the letter and spirit of it, but with the passage of time that tradition could not be upheld. Though Qarawiyīn, Al-Azahar, Niẓāmiyah are a few classical madāris where religious and secular teachings were incorporated into one, the latter madāris separated the religious from the secular (worldly) education. Formation of colonial states made the condition worse. During the Afghan war, the madāris flourished in Pakistan but after 9/11 they were deemed responsible for the attack. The paper aims at producing a discourse on this transition of madrassa education from tradition to modernity and intends to suggest recommendations for the upgradation and revival of the educational system of madāris.
This study analyzes Self-Perceived Employability attributes among employees and its impact on
Organizational Performance of private and public sectors in respect of key supporting variables i.e. personal
attributes, occupational attributes, subjective career success, professional commitment, and internal and
external labour markets. The twenty first century recognizes tremendous benefits of Self-Perceived
Employability Attributes as a key of success for employees’ better performance as well as for organizational
development. After presenting a theoretical frame work; a conceptual model is proposed and tested with
AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) statistic technique to examine the impact of self-perceived
employability attributes on organizational performance. Disproportionate stratified random sampling
method was used to collect data from employees of private and public sectors’ organizations of twin cities,
Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan through a structured questionnaire. The sample size (n= 464) is selected
from total population of this study. This empirical investigation uses regression analysis, Tukey Test for mean
difference, and mean and standard deviation for data analysis with SPSS 15.0 version.
The findings validate the proposed model with significant correlation between self-perceived employability
attributes and organizational performance either in internal or external markets. This study, therefore
strongly advocates the implementation of self-perceived employability attributes among employees for better
organizational performance by means of improving employee’s performance either in private or public
sectors. The self-Perceived Employability attributes have a remarkable and immense importance in
developing countries and especially in Pakistan so that growing human inventory can be trained and
effectively used for sustained growth and human development.
Findings of the study support educational qualifications that play vital role to enhance self-perceived
employability attributes. Furthermore, as qualification increases, the self-perceived attributes also boost up
and then business education contributes more as compared to other categories of education. Eventually,
organizational performance will also be enhanced significantly.
In the light of regression analysis, the findings of the study significantly maintain training, especially during
service, which plays a dynamic role not only to enhance Self-Perceived Employability Attributes but also
organizational performance. It is generally observed that feminine gender shows better attributes than
masculine gender. Table 4.70 favours that private sector considers Self-Perceived Employability more
important for better organizational output than the public sector. Thereupon, the findings of the study support
self-perceived employability attributes which significantly enhance organizational performance for achieving
sustainable development and competitive advantage.