ڈاکٹرسید محمود
افسوس ہے ڈاکٹر سےّدمحمود بھی رخصت ہوگئے۔وفات کے وقت عمر ۸۲ برس کی تھی۔مرحوم برلن کے پی۔ایچ۔ڈی اورانگلستان سے بارایٹ لاء اور گھر کے بھی بڑے خوشحال تھے۔ لیکن قومی وملّی خدمت کاجذبہ شروع ہی سے تھا اس لیے اولاً تحریکِ خلافت اور پھر تحریکِ آزادی دونوں میں ہراوّل دستہ کے فرد رہے، اس جرم کی پاداش میں کئی مرتبہ جیل گئے اور قید وبند کی سختیاں انگیز کیں پھر قومی حکومت بنی توریاست اورمرکز دونوں میں وزیر رہے۔ کانگرس ورکنگ کمیٹی کے ممبر سالہا سال رہے ۔آل انڈیا کانگرس کمیٹی کے سکریٹری بھی رہ چکے تھے۔اوّل درجہ کے نیشنلسٹ ہونے کے باوجود دل اوردماغ دونوں کھلا رکھتے تھے۔ چنانچہ تقسیم کے بعد مسلسل فسادات ہوئے اور مسلمانوں کے ساتھ ناانصافی ختم نہیں ہوئی توانہوں نے قومی سطح پراس کاانسداد کرنے کی غرض سے مجلس مشاورت بنائی اور چند سال اس کے صدر کی حیثیت سے ملک کادورہ کیا لیکن جب انہوں نے محسوس کیاکہ ان کے چند رفیق اس پلیٹ فارم کو اپنے فرقہ پر ورانہ مقاصد کے لیے استعمال کررہے ہیں تو وہ اس سے الگ ہوگئے لیکن خانہ نشین پھر بھی نہیں ہوئے اورمسلمانوں کی فلاح و بہبود کے کاموں میں حِصّہ لیتے رہے۔مرحوم کا علمی اورادبی ذوق بھی بہت شگفتہ اورشائستہ تھا۔سیاسی مصرفیتوں میں تھوڑا بہت انگریزی اوراردو میں جو کچھ لکھا ہے بہت خوب لکھاہے۔ اخلاقی اعتبارسے نہایت باوضع، بامروت شریف الطبع اورخلیق بزرگ تھے۔ان کی وفات سے ملک میں عموماً اورمسلمانوں میں خصوصاً جوخلا پیدا ہواہے وہ پُرنہیں ہوسکے گا۔اللھم اغفرلہٗ وارحمہ۔ [اکتوبر ۱۹۷۱ء]
E-Commerce in today’s world is playing an important role in global business. A quantitative and quantitative research was conducted with professional members, employees working in organization which are dealing with E-Business or online working via internet and their views gave an empirical and dynamic approach to make business efficient and effective. Connectivity with market to find best manufacture for goods and for manufacture to finds its buyer for their finished goods. Flow of information become faster and gathering of data become easier to make activities of business to get optimal results. Numbers of goods are available complications to finds goods are removed by complimentary goods. Supplies of goods at proper time in order to meet demand by consumer plays win to win game. Improved methods of technology like RFID make work easier and accessible information about goods to management. Manpower in forms of labor is reducing which leads to decrease in the cost of goods. Ordering cost saves time and gives a specified time both producers to make commodity and consumer for delivery of goods. E-Commerce with contrast of components of supply chain in the form of ware house, logistics, number of listing suppliers, number of listing items on one web in the form of website on one platform give dynamic image to businesses in the race of competitive world. Business transactions done with internet not only reduce time but also make documents or records for longer time able to send data from distant parts of the world. Through websites we can get completive price information and other relevant information for goods.
In developing countries like Pakistan, learning mathematics in schools is considered to be different from using it in daily life situations primarily because, approaches to teaching and learning mathematics sometimes do not encourage pupils to see connections between the two. Therefore, pupils often find it difficult to solve their daily life mathematical problems inspite of studying mathematics for several years in schools. In order to explore, how can the teacher relate the teaching of mathematics to pupils' daily life experiences (DLE)?, I conducted a study embedded in qualitative inductive research paradigm, in one of the primary schools in the private sector in Karachi, working with two mathematics teachers and 86 pupils of grade 4. The study consisted of three phases (entry negotiation, pre intervention, and intervention). The main purpose of the study was to find out how concrete experiences from DLE can make mathematical learning less abstract, and help pupils see connections between learning of mathematics in schools and its use in their daily life situations. The ongoing process of data analysis and interpretation was based on the predetermined major themes related to the research questions followed by sub themes emerged from the data collected. The study identifies some of the major issues concerning the teaching of mathematics through pupils' DLE. One of the findings suggests that the use of pupils' DLE in the teaching of mathematics as concrete mathematical representation helps them learn mathematics with understanding. On the basis of the findings this study puts forward some recommendations in relation to the teaching of mathematics. With additional professional support, teachers can design mathematical activities from pupils' DLE such as shopping, sports and so on. These activities can be used to relate the teaching of mathematics to pupils' DLE ensuring the relational mathematical understanding.