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مالِ زکوٰۃ و عشر سے فلاحی اداروں کے قیام کا مسئلہ

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فرحت شفیع


ممتاز احمد سالک




University of the Punjab



Degree Starting Year





ادارے , جماعتیں , مجموعی جائزہ , زکوٰة , عشر اور ٹیکس


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 22:32:49





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حاجی اسرار احمد

حاجی اسرار احمد
ندوۃ المصنفین کے حلقۂ احباب کے لیے اس ماہ المناک سانحہ حاجی اسراراحمد صاحب کی وفات ہے۔اکتوبر۱۹۴۹ء کے آخری سفرکلکتہ میں حاجی صاحب مرحوم سے ملاقات ہوئی تھی اورمیں ان کواچھا خاصا تندرست چھوڑ کرآیا تھا۔ اب عزیزم مولوی سعید احمد کے خط سے اچانک ان کے انتقال کی خبر معلوم ہوئی۔یوں تو دنیا گذشتنی اورگذاشتنی ہے۔یہاں جوآتاہے اُسے ایک نہ ایک دن رخصت بھی ہوجانا پڑتا ہے۔آنے اورجانے کا یہ عمل جب سے دنیا قائم ہے برابر جاری ہے لیکن جانے والوں میں بعض ایسے ہوتے ہیں جواپنے کردار، اخلاق اورعمل کی وجہ سے ایک خاص مقام کے مالک بن جاتے ہیں پھر جب وہ قانون فطرت کے مطابق سفرآخرت اختیار کرلیتے ہیں تو جو جگہ انھوں نے اپنے لیے بنائی تھی وہ خالی محسوس ہونے لگتی ہے۔یہ خلاء رخصت ہوجانے والے کی شخصیت کو یاد دلاتا رہتاہے اوراُس کی مفارقت کااحساس لوگوں میں بڑھ جاتا ہے۔
حاجی اسراراحمد صاحب مرحوم بھی ایسے ہی لوگوں میں سے تھے۔مرحوم آنولہ ضلع بریلی کے باشندہ تھے۔ عرصہ دراز سے کلکتہ میں تجارت کرتے تھے۔ میں چودہ سال ہوئے ان سے کلکتہ میں متعارف ہواتھا۔اس دوران مجھے برابر اُن کے کردار اورعمل کے مطالعہ کاموقع ملتا رہا، وہ صرف اچھے تاجر ہی نہیں بلکہ اپنے دل میں ایک ایساحساس دل بھی رکھتے تھے جس میں مذہب کادرد کوٹ کوٹ کر بھراہواتھا۔ جن کاموں کووہ قوم کے لیے مفید سمجھتے تھے اُن میں اپنی حیثیت سے بھی بڑھ چڑھ کر حصہ لیتے تھے، جب’’ندوۃ المصنفین‘‘کے قیام کا ابتدائی تصور مفتی عتیق الرحمن صاحب کے اورمیرے ذہن میں آیا تو حاجی صاحب مرحوم اس کی تائید کرنے والوں کی صف اوّل میں تھے۔پھرتائید بھی زبانی اور رسمی نہیں بلکہ عملی اور حقیقی، چنانچہ جو تعلق ندوۃ المصنفین سے انھوں نے پہلے دن قائم کیا تھااُسے آخر وقت تک...

Right to Life As a Human Right: A Comparative Study of Shari’ah and Law

AbstractABSTRACT: Right to Life is considered as one of the primordial Human Rights. The importance of right to life can be judged simply on this basis that there are diversified views ofthe leaders of the world regarding almost every issue about human Rights concern. However, they agree in principle that the individuals (lives) irrespective of their race, color, language and nationality, should be saved andprotected and they should be honored and respected. Even a cursory glance at the contents of the Islamic ideology indicates that the Qura'n and the Sunna'h have dealt in depth with nearly every aspect of human rights and in particular the right to life. The present study investigates different aspects and dimensions of ‘Right to life’ in the light of Islam, along with its comparison with law and western approaches to it.

Mathematical Modeling of Lopsided Structures in Self-Gravitating Systems

In recent years, an exceptional progress has exposed a great deal of information about the formation and evolution of large-scale struc- tures in this stunning star-spangled Universe. But, with more infor- mation comes many thought-provoking questions for theorists. The images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST ) has revealed that basic large-scale structures are shaped at the non-stationary non- linear stage of their evolution; therefore modern extragalactic astron- omy is compelled to study early non-linear stages of evolution of self- gravitational systems. A great role is played by global pulsations in different stages of the formation of galaxies. Incidentally though, reliable mechanisms of development of their sub-structures, as well as possible various non- linear effects are not yet fully revealed. Similarly, the physics of the formation of large-scale structures in the non-stationary universe is not completely available. Many authors have put forward various specific models of the system that gravitate. Binney and Tremaine (1987) have obtained a large number of results. The basis of the most of these results are on the linearisation of the Euler-Poison and Vlasov Poison systems around a stationary solution. Kalnajs (1972) has covered milestones in station- ary models of self-gravitating systems. Although the stationary mod- els of gravitating systems are abundance in the research, the presence of non-stationary models is very conspicuous among various models for study of dynamical development of large-scale structures. There- fore it seemed necessary to develop a new non-linear model which is viinon-stationary in nature and discuss its stability, so that our model will be more accurate. Gravitational instability with respect to lopsided oscillation mode is examined in this dissertation. A phase model of non-stationary self- gravitating disks with isotropic and anisotropic diagrams has been constructed. We used well-known generalization of the Bisnovatyi- Kogan-Zel’dovich model is used in order to find out the formation criteria of galaxies whose nucleus is away from their center (lopsided galaxies). Non-stationary dispersion relations are obtained for both isotropic and anisotropic models of lopsided mode. ) calculations ( The 2T show the relationship between initial virial ratio |U and degree of | ◦ rotation Ω. A comparative analysis of increment (growth rate) of lop- sided mode with other oscillatory modes is made and concluded that lopsided mode has a clear lead over other oscillatory modes. A radial instability always occurs if total kinetic energy is no more than 12.4% of the initial potential energy, in non-stationary isotropic model for lopsided mode. Also, it has been shown that instability is aperiodic when Ω = 0 and oscillatory when Ω ̸ = 0. This ratio of total kinetic energy and total potential energy becomes 30.6% for an anisotropic model of lopsided structure. In this thesis, a multi-parameter composite model by the method of linear superposition has also been constructed and analyzed the stabil- ity of lopsided mode for this model. This new composite model inves- tigates intermediate stages between isotropic and anisotropic models. In the end, the application of lopsidedness in our solar system is dis- cussed. Here, we suggested that G. Darwin’s theory of origin of moon would be acceptable if he had calculated his model in the background of non-stationary and non-equilibrium theory. It has been shown that if Nuritdinov’s non-stationary spherical model is applied on the earth- moon system and calculated that at the initial moment of collapse, the kinetic energy will be lesser than 22.3% of the potential energy viiiwhere instability occurred and the earth became lopsided and then split into two parts and hence the moon came into existence.