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حفاظت قرآن

Thesis Info


نجیب اللہ محسود


نجم الدین




Gomal University


ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان

Degree Starting Year





اعجاز القرآن


2023-02-16 17:15:59


2023-02-16 17:33:40





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کراچی کا شیر

کراچی کا شیر

                                                                                                                مرزا مقبول احمد

کراچی کا شیر مگر جس کی بہادری اور جرات کے قصے پنجاب کی جیلوں شاہی قلعوں کے عقوبت خانوں میں لکھے ہوئے ہیں ۔دبلا پتلا سا خوبصورت جوان مرزا مقبول اپنے وزن سے بھاری بیڑیاں پہنے چھن چھن کرتا ہنستا مسکراتا کوٹ لکھپت جیل کے احاطے میں دندناتا پھرتا آج بھی نظروں میں گھوم جا تا ہے تو اس کے لیے ڈھیروں پیار دل میں بھر جا تا ہے ۔عارف لوہار کے چمٹے کی طرح بیڑیا ں بجاتے گنگناتے ہوئے :

جانے کیوں لوگ محبت کیا کرتے ہیں

دل کے بدلے درد دل لیا کرتے ہیں

گاتا تو محسوس ہو تا ہے کہ محبت کی کوئی ادھوری داستان جیل سے باہر چھوڑ آ یا ہے ۔مرزا مقبول استاد مسرور احسن ہو غلام حسین چانڈیو یا مصطفی میمن ہو یا دیگر ساتھی اپنی گہری یادیں پنجاب چھوڑ آئے ہیں، جنہیں دوست آج بھی یاد کرتے ہیں ہم بھول بھی کیسے سکتے ہیں اپنے انمول ساتھیوں کو ۔سندھ والو ان کی قدر کرو جس عزت و احترام کے قابل یہ لوگ ہیں انہیں ضرور دینا چاہیے ۔ایسے ہیروز روزر وز پیدا نہیں ہوتے ۔



امن کے حوالہ سے اسلام پر کئے جانے والے اعتراضات و شبہات کا جائزہ

In the present age, a great conflict has become the source of clash between Islām and the rest of the world, especially, the western world. The world of Islām is accused of having and breeding the fanatical elements, who help promote terrorism in the world. The Western world and the media leave no opportunity to malign the name of the most peaceful religion of the world. This article illumines that Islām is a peace loving religion and does not approve terrorism. Those elements, involved in disrupting peace are not the true representative of Islām. They make a very minor portion of the Islamic world. The majority of Muslims are peace loving people and they need to be given a due coverage by the media. This research article is an attempt to present a very soft, peaceful and noble image of Islām before the world, especially, the western world. The two main sources of Islām: al-Qur’ān and the sayings of the Prophet of Islām, the prophet Muḥammadﷺ, have been quoted extensively, to prove that the religion and the meanings of the world, ‘Islām’, all reflect peace, fraternity, friendship and altruism. The Western scholars have also been quoted appropriately to support the said premise.

Electrolyser and Nanosensor for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Sensitive Detection of Drugs

This PhD thesis presents details of electrode modification and its application as a sensitive electrochemical platform for efficient water splitting and traces level detection of drugs. For water splitting the reaction for oxygen evolution has unfavourable thermodynamics since it needs energy to proceed. Lately scientists are focused to develop cheap oxygen evolving catalysts that are abundantly present in nature and have succeeded as well. But stability and efficiency of these catalysts still demands improvements. In this respect a part of the current work is focused on the development of an industrially favourable material that is durable and suitable for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at low values of overpotential. Herein the synthesis of a novel and stable alkyl amine ligands containing NiFe complex material is reported, which displays remarkably high OER performance and extraordinary stability for OER stretching over days at varying temperature conditions under alkaline conditions. The powdered form of catalyst was found to give signal of OER at overpotential of 290 mV for consecutive 14 hours. The presence of binder in the preparation method of the powdered catalyst caused to affect its conductivity. Therefore, the catalyst was directly grown on nickel foam electrode which demonstrated improved water splitting performance as evidenced by 230 mV overpotential and stability upto consecutive 20 hours. After modification, the electrode was developed into a sensor for drugs analysis. Three different nanobiosensors were prepared using graphene oxide, multiwalled carbon nanotubes and gold and silver nanoparticles using screen printed electrode. Nanomaterials are associated with favorable characteristics including large surface area and rare electrical properties. So, nanomaterial-enriched deoxyribonucleic acid DNA sensors were developed for sensing the DNA binding events of a number of anticancer drugs. The results revealed decrease in signals response of DNA bases (adenine and guanine) due to the damage of the oxidizable moieties of these electroactive bases. The sensors demonstrated good values of sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility, fast detection ability and to analyse drugs in its pharmaceutical dosage.