مولانا شاہ عبدالقادر رائے پوری
افسوس ہے ابھی حضرت مجاہد ملت کے ماتم کے آنسو خشک بھی نہیں ہوئے تھے کہ ملت اسلامیہ کے لیے ایک دوسرا حادثۂ جاں گداز پیش آگیا اورطریقت و معرفت ربانی کاآفتاب غروب ہوگیا۔حضرت مولانا شاہ عبدالقادر صاحب رائے پوری اکابر مشائخ دیوبند کے سلسلہ کی آخری کڑی تھے۔عمر کم وبیش ۹۰برس کی پائی۔مگرچاربرس پہلے تک قویٰ بڑے اچھے تھے اور انڈوپاک کے ہزاروں مسلمان بقدر استعداد اس سرچشمۂ روحانیت وانابت الی اﷲ سے مستفید ہوتے تھے۔ آپ کااصل وطن گرداسپور تھا۔آغاز شباب میں ہی مرشد کی تلاش میں نکل پڑے اورآخر حضرت مولانا شاہ عبدالرحیم صاحب رائے پوری جوحضرت مولانا گنگوہیؒ کے خلیفۂ خاص اوراکابردیوبند میں ایک ممتاز ورفیع مقام کے مالک تھے، اُن کی خدمت میں پہنچ کر گوہر مقصود پالیا۔چنانچہ آپ اس درگاہ قدس سے ایسے وابستہ ہوئے کہ پوری زندگی یہیں گزار دی۔تقسیم کے بعدہی مشرقی پنجاب میں جوطوفان امڈا اُس نے کتنی آبادیوں کوویرانہ بنادیا۔مگر شاہ صاحب تھے کہ اپنی جگہ پرکسی قسم کے خوف وہراس کے بغیر جمے رہے اوراس کااثر یہ ہواکہ اس نواح کی تمام مسلمان آبادی محفوظ رہی۔ مشائخ دیوبند کی ایک عام خصوصیت ہے سلوک ومعرفت کے اعلیٰ مقام پر فائز ہونے کے ساتھ شریعت کے احکام واوامر اورسنت واسوۂ نبوی کامکمل اتباع اوراس سے انحراف کاکسی حالت میں بھی روادار نہ ہونا۔یہ صفت حضرت مرحوم میں بھی بدرجۂ اتم موجود تھی۔ اس عام خصوصیت کے علاوہ ہربزرگ کے کچھ اپنے خاص احوال وکوائف ہوتے ہیں اوراس کا سبب یہ ہوتاہے کہ کمالات واوصاف نبوی میں سے اُس پرکسی خاص ایک وصف کاغلبہ ہوتاہے۔مثلاً کسی میں صفت علم غالب ہوتی ہے اورکسی پرصفت خلق، کوئی شان جمالی کا مظہر ہوتاہے اورکوئی شان جلالی کا۔اس اعتبار سے شاہ صاحب پرصفت فقرواستغناء،سادگی وبے تکلفی اورصفت محبت کااستیلا تھا۔محبت خود اپنے اندر مقناطیسی کشش رکھتی...
The Poem “Ya Salikayah” is a collection of verses. Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattavi has compiled it and the main thing is that he has compiled these verses by in keeping with the literature and eloquence and rules. Such a compilation is not just a matter of every ordinary person rather, this work can be done by a person who is well aware of the rules of making of poetry and verses. Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattavi was well aware of these rules but he had mastered it. The thesis writer has described the expression style and thoughts of Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattavi in his thesis and also tried to prove that Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattavi had special kind of proficiency in Arabic despite he was Non-Arab which can be seen in his these verses. These verses show the special style of Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattavi which thesis writer has proven and also proved that he has compiled this collection of verses in the best style. According to the research of thesis writer this poem is not still in the form of a book but in the form of a pen and paper format. And thesis writer has also tried to prove that the thoughts which are in these verses belong to Hazrat Makhdoom Thattavi himself. He used to shape thoughts into ideas before compiling these verses and then used to put his sincere poetry in it and compile it. It is estimated from these verses that it is affected when the audience hears and reads these verses.
During the last couple of decades, some serious scandals like Waste Management, Enron, WorldCom, Satyam, Swissair etc. were observed in corporate sector around the World. This loses confidence of stakeholders and due returns on their investment.The research proves that directors? standards, audit quality and audit report lag (ARL) play significant role in controlling corporate mishaps and consequently ensure due returns to firms and investors. In order to address this issue, the US Senate approved a framework on its Code of Corporate Governance (CCG) by the name of Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 which was amended in 2012. A lot of countries of the world also adopted this Act in year 2002. In order to be at par with international community, Pakistan introduced its own CCG in 2002 which was also amended in 2012.
As per CCG, board of directors has to constitute various sub-committees to provide safeguards to the stakeholders? interest. One of the boards? subcommittees is an audit committee (AC) which is constituted to perform number of functions to ensure timely release of truly audited corporate financial statements, protect assets and monitor various accounts of company. The research has proved that mere existence of AC in a company is not much fruitful rather it has number of distinctive attributes that affect its working with respect to ARL and firms? financial performance. The most common attributes of an AC includes AC size, proportion of non-executive directors in AC, number of AC meetings per year, AC gender, AC members skill and experience and AC chair independence etc.
This study is conducted to observe the impact of AC attributes on ARL and firms? financial performance as evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). A sample of 137 companies from 28 diversified non-financial sectors for years 2013, 2014 and 2015 is taken from PSX to observe the phenomenon. STATA software is used to measure descriptive and regression results of panel data based on fixed effect model.
The results show that all sample firms used to comply CCG in respect of AC size and frequency of AC meetings while compliance in respect of non-executive directors in AC and independent AC chair in some companies has not been found.The overall ARL in non-financial sector firms has been found almost 83 days. AC meetings, AC gender diversity and AC chair independence have negative and significant impact on ARL while, AC size and existence of non-executive members in AC have insignificant impact on ARL.
Financial performance of firms is measured via Tobin?s Q and return on equity (ROE). Tobin?s Q has been gradually increasing in this period. Positive and significant impact of AC size and AC meetings while insignificant impact of non-executive members in AC, AC diversity and independent AC chair has been found on Tobin?s Q. ROE has also increased over the period of three years. Negative and significant impact of non-executive directors in AC and AC meetings, while insignificant impact of AC size, AC chair independence and AC diversity has been found on ROE.