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Home > وجود باری تعالٰی: قرآن کے طرز استدلال اور اسٹفین مائیر کی فکر کا تقابلی جائزہ

وجود باری تعالٰی: قرآن کے طرز استدلال اور اسٹفین مائیر کی فکر کا تقابلی جائزہ

Thesis Info


Sajjad Ali


Inam ul Haq


Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Islamic Studies




Riphah International University

Institute Type


Campus Location

I-14 Islamabad







Degree Starting Year


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Islamic Studies




باری تعالی، اسٹیفن مائیر، قرآن، وجود باری تعالی
God, Quran, Stephen Meyer, Atheisms, Theism


2023-11-28 15:50:48


2024-03-24 20:25:49




Faith in God is the core cultivation of most of the religions. Especially in Abrahamic religions, this faith is fundamental principle. For centuries, thought-provoking debates regarding the existence of God have been part of philosophy and other scientific fields. Although there are undoubtedly several confirmations of God's existence in the revealed writings, it is asserted that the Holy Qur'an contains a thorough discussion of this phenomenon. Dr. Stephen Meyer is one of the most prominent scientists who has offered various scientific arguments in support of God's existence. The target and goal of the current work is, a comparative analysis of Meyer's and the Quranic arguments. This research develops insight for better grasp of science-related arguments of Qur’an and a legitimized scientist as the associations and disassociations between both sets of arguments are encompassed. The current research suggested that Qur'an takes a more general approach while Meyer takes a more scientifically specific approach which also discusses the details. The Qur'anic knowledge is for everyone, while Mayer's arguments are only for those who understand science.

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پہلے اس مجموعے کا نام ” نشان منزل“ طے کیا گیا تھا پھر بال جبریل کر دیا گیا۔ رفیع الدین ہاشمی کہتے ہیں۔
”نئے اردو مجموعے کا نام نشان منزل تجویز ہوا اور مسودے کے سرورق پر
بھی یہی نام لکھا گیا مگر بعد میں اقبال نے محسوس کیا کہ بال جبریل زیادہ موزوں
ہےچنانچہ انہوں نے مسودے پر نشانِ منزل کو قلم زد کر کے بال جبریل کر دیا“ (29)
اس تصنیف کی طویل نظموں میں خاص طور پر ایک انقلابی اسالیبی تبدیلی نظر سے گزرتی ہے۔ نظم کا ہر بند ایک علیحدہ مضمون لیے ہوئے ہے اور ہر مضمون غزل صفت ہے۔

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Aspect based sentiment analysis

Sentiment Analysis has become a popular area of research due to exponential increase in the volume of user generated content with the rise of Internet and Social Networking Websites. Sentiment Analysis can be performed at different level of granularities such as document level, sentence level and aspect level. Aspect level sentiment analysis provides more deeper insights on how customer feels about product/service. Aspect term extraction, aspect category detection and sentiment polarity detection are the core tasks in aspect based opinion mining. This report presents existing state-of-the-art approaches for performing aspect level opinion mining. We have also provided a comprehensive list of publicly available lexicons and annotated datasets that can be used to build aspect level sentiment analysis systems. The first chapter introduces the research area of Opinion Mining. The second chapter focuses on aspect level opinion mining. In the next three chapters, we have discussed approaches of aspect term extraction, aspect category detection and aspect polarity identification. Taxonomy of various approaches discussed in literature related to opinion mining is presented in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 presents evaluation metrics and various publicly available lexicons and datasets. Chapter 8 provides details of our tool named ABSA Toolkit developed using state-of-art techniques of aspect level opinion mining. The report concludes with some emerging techniques and research issues in opinion mining