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Home > اسلام کا نظام صرف دولت اور عصر حاضر میں اس کی معنویت

اسلام کا نظام صرف دولت اور عصر حاضر میں اس کی معنویت

Thesis Info


Humaira Jabeen


Inam ul Haq


Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Islamic Studies




Riphah International University

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I-14 Islamabad







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Islamic Studies




ٰاسلام، صرف دولت، تجارت، مقاصد شریعت
Islam, Wealth, Distribution,


2023-11-28 16:00:03


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Islam is a comprehensive way of life that encompasses all aspects of human existence, including economic teachings. Livelihood is one of the various branches of human life and holds significant importance in an individual's journey. Therefore, people strive to earn a living throughout their lives, and Islamic teachings provide valuable guidance in this regard. By adhering to these teachings, one can lead a prosperous life in both this world and the hereafter. The article focuses on the concept of wealth and its expenditure from an Islamic perspective. It is divided into three sections, with each section containing three chapters. The first section highlights the importance of earning a livelihood and draws examples from the Quran, Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), and the actions of the Companions of the Prophet. The second section emphasizes the significance of wealth, the objectives of Sharia (Islamic law), and how wealth should be prioritized within those objectives. The third section discusses voluntary and obligatory spending, the religious regulations concerning expenditure, and focuses specifically on the topic of wealth. Throughout the article, an expository and analytical approach is adopted. After completing the article, the author concludes that improved economic conditions and a better quality of life can be achieved by following the true teachings of Islam. The proper usage of acquired wealth, along with adhering to the fundamental ethical teachings of Islam, is the fundamental responsibility of every Muslim. This approach guarantees success in both this world and the hereafter. Furthermore, since Allah has granted humans the gift of intellect, they should utilize it while spending their wealth. They must spend their wealth in ways that not only benefit themselves but also positively impact their families, relatives, neighbors, and society at large. The author recommends disseminating Islam's perspective on wealth through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, schools, and universities. They also advocate providing guidance on adopting such methods that lead to a self-sustaining system, fulfilling personal needs as well as those of the community. By doing so, individuals can achieve their necessities and contribute to the welfare of society.

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