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This study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of two instructional methods (i.e. Johnstone’s three-cycle instructional method and traditional instructional method) in the teaching of chemistry. Johnstone conceptualized that if chemistry concepts are made distinct and represented at three levels, are helpful in the meaningful learning. The main objectives of the study were to compare the relative effectiveness of these two instructional methods on the student learning and achievement. This experiment was carried out for the period of twenty two weeks in the chemistry classroom and laboratory of Federal Government Boys Model School F-8/3 Islamabad. Seventy-six science students of class ninth were randomly selected for the experiment. The design conceptualized for the study was the “posttest –only equivalent group design”. The research study had two groups i.e. experimental and control. Both the groups were equalized on the basis of eighth class science achievement scores. Different tools used to collect data were; multitier formative tools and a summative achievement tool. Experimental group was taught through Johnstone’s instructional method and the control group was taught through the traditional instructional method. Formative assessment was also made by the formative assessment tools. The achievement of the students in the chemistry theory and practical was measured by the summative tests called posttest theory and posttest practical. During the study the traditional formative assessments were also administered. The instruments constructed were validated. Data collected were analyzed and given the shape of mean scores. In order to compare the mean scores of the experimental and the control group, t-test was applied. The analysis of the data revealed that Johnstone’s instructional method was more effective than the traditional instructional method because the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group. Important information revealed was that the traditional measures of assessment were not suitable for the assessment of meaningful learning. Qualitative assessment mode was suitable for meaningful learning because these are not meant for the assessment of rote learning. The study demanded that learning and the way of assessment need to be matched. The study emphasized that the examination system of Pakistan needs to be re-evaluated and Johnstone’s instructional method be applied in chemistry classrooms in Pakistan and laboratories need to be improved for effective learning of chemistry.
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Social Sciences & Humanities
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