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Furqan Syed Ahmed




Habib University

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Software Engineering




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Agriculture being the largest sector of Pakistan, plays an integral role in economy and food production but still lacks behind due to traditional farming approaches. IoTFarming develops a network architecture with the latest LoRaWAN technology to aid commercial/private farms. It consists of easy to use, fully autonomous and cost effective sensor nodes that measure the air temperature, relative humidity and soil moisture and communicate the data to a single-channel LoRaWAN gateway which then transmits it to the Network Server, The Things Network, making it accessible on the internet. From the Network server the data is then further transmitted onto the application server, All Things Talk. The data can be monitored visually using AllThingsTalk web page or mobile application in the form of readings, graphs and figures, making better and informed agricultural decisions, reducing water wastage and increasing yield. Also, a data log of the farm is maintained online (stored on the cloud) and offline (exported as CSV) for further data analysis and weather predictions. Furthermore, a weather data set was acquired to develop Machine Learning algorithms for rain prediction with an achieved accuracy of 77%

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المبحث الأول: بداية الشعر الحر

المبحث الأول: بداية الشعر الحر

نُشِرت قصیدۃ ’’الکولیرا‘‘ في بیروت ووصلت نسختھا ببغداد في أول کانون الأول عام 1947م وفي النصف الثاني من الشھر نفسہ صدر دیوان بدر شاکر السیّاب (أزھار ذابلۃ) في بغداد، تقول نازک بأن في ھذا الدیوان قصیدۃ حرۃ الوزن ولہ في بحر الرمل عنواناً (ھل کان حباً) ولکن علق علی ھذہ القصیدۃ في الحاشیۃ بأنھا من "الشعر مختلف الأوزان والقوافي" وھذا النموذج منھا :

 ھل یکون الحبّ أني
 بتّ[1] عبداً للتمني
 أم ھو الحب أطراح الأمنیات
 والتقاء الثغر بالثغر ونسیان الحیاۃ
 واختفاء العین في العین انتشاء
 کانثیال عاد یفني في ھدیر
 أو کظل في غدیر[2]

ثم وضحت الشاعرہ نازک الملائکۃ في قضایا الشعر المعاصر بأن ظھور قصیدۃ (الکولیرا) و (ھل کان حباً) لم یلفت نظر الجمھور والقراء؛ ولکن حصل تعلیق واحد فقط في مجلۃ (العروبۃ) علی أسلوب ووزن قصیدۃ (الکولیرا) ولکن مضت سنتان لم یکتب أحد شعراً حراً ولا تعلیقاً آخر علی الشعر الحر۔ ولکن عندما ظھر دیوان نازک الملائکۃ (شظایا ورماد) عام 1949م قامت ضجۃ شدیدۃ في صحف العراق ومناقشات في الأوساط الأدبیۃ، فبعضھم تنبأوا لھذہ الدعوۃ الجدیدۃ بالفشل وبعضھم تشجعوا واستجابوا لہ۔

[1] بتّ ، مأخوذ من بات والمقصود قضى الليل

[2] الملائکۃ، نازک، قضایا الشعر المعاصر(بیروت، لبنان: دار العلم للملایین) الطبعۃ الثانیۃ عشرۃ، 
ینایر 2004م، ص36 ۔

اسلام اور دیگر نظام ہائے حیات کے فلسفہ حقوق کا تقابلی مطالعہ

Resentation of Human Rights is the crox of Islam. The way Islam preserves Human Rights is examplary. It offers the first ever charter of Human Rights. Service to huminity is considered the highest ever and the most rewarding deed by a muslim. Islam acceeds to a cohesive social set-up where there is a fine balance between rights and responsibilities. A muslim government looks after all its citizens, be they muslims are non-muslims. In the contemporary world UN reverbation of Islamic concept of Human Rights.

A Robust Scheme of Vertebrae Segmentation for Medical Diagnosis

Automated vertebrae analysis from medical images plays an important role in computer aided diagnosis (CAD). It provides an initial and early identification of various vertebral abnormalities to doctors and radiologists. Vertebrae segmentation and classification are important but difficult tasks in medical imaging due to low contrasts in image, noise and high topological shape variations in radiological scans. It becomes even more challenging when dealing with various deformities and pathologies present in the vertebral scans like osteoporotic vertebral fractures. In this work, we want to address the challenging problem of vertebral image analysis for vertebra segmentation and classification. In the past, various traditional imagery techniques were employed to address these problems. Recently, deep learning techniques have been introduced in biomedical image processing for segmentation and characterization of several abnormalities. These techniques are becoming popular in solving various medical image analysis problems due to their robustness and accuracy. In this research, we present a solution of vertebrae segmentation and classification problem with the help of deep learning approach. We present a novel combination of traditional region based level-set with deep learning framework in order to extract the shape of vertebral bones accurately; which would be able to handle the deformities in the vertebral bones precisely and efficiently. After vertebrae segmentation, we further extend the work to abnormal vertebrae classification with the help of deep learning approach. This novel framework would be able to help the medical doctors and radiologists with better visualization of vertebral bones and providing the initial automated classification of vertebrae to be normal or abnormal. The proposed method of vertebrae segmentation was successfully tested on different datasets with various fields of views. The first dataset comprises of 173 CT scans of thoracolumbar (thoracic and lumbar) vertebrae in sagittal view, collected from a local hospital. The second dataset comprises 73 CT scans of cervical vertebrae in sagittal view, also collected from a local hospital. The third dataset comprises 20 CT scans of thoracolumbar (thoracic and lumbar) vertebrae in sagittal view collected from spine segmentation challenge CSI 2014. The forth dataset comprises 25 CT scans of lumbar vertebrae in sagittal view collected from spine segmentation challenge CSI 2016. Lastly, we have utilized the same locally collected set of 173 CT scans of thoracolumbar (thoracic and lumbar) vertebrae and extracted in axial view to perform the segmentation task.For classification purpose, we have utilized the locally collected set of 173 CT scans of thoracolumbar (thoracic and lumbar) vertebrae as these include osteoporotic vertebral fractures in it. The details of these datasets have been presented in respective sections. We have achieved promising results on our proposed techniques. The evaluation of the segmentation performance on the datasets with various machines and field of views helped us to ensure the robustness of our proposed method. On validation sets of these datasets, we have achieved an average dice score of around 95% for vertebrae segmentation; and accuracy of above 80% for the vertebrae classification. The detailed results have been presented in the results section. These results reveal that our proposed techniques are competitive over the other state of the arts in terms of accuracy, efficiency, flexibility and time.