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Home > Determinants and Outcomes of Internalized and Social Hcv Stigma at Workplace

Determinants and Outcomes of Internalized and Social Hcv Stigma at Workplace

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Noor, Ayesha




Mohammad Ali Jinnah University







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Applied Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This study examines the determinants and outcomes of Hepatitis C (HCV) stigma at workplace. The major antecedent analyzed for internalized stigma in this present study are respectful treatment at workplace, Workplace bullying, depression and stereotype endorsement. The outcomes are self-esteem and organizational cynicism, and moderating role of self-efficacy is also analyzed. For social stigma the antecedents analyzed are attribution, social distance and specific stigmatizing and its outcome is empathic concern. The data was collected from two samples for this study. The first sample was consisted of HCV patients, who are employed in different organizations, for assessing internalized stigma. Questionnaires were distributed to 357 HCV infected employees out of which 277 questionnaires were received The second sample consisted of Coworkers of HCV patients for assessing social stigma, 577 questionnaires were distributed out of which 458 questionnaires were returned. Overall the results support the development of robust integrated model of internalized and social stigma. Theoretical and Practical implications of this study have also been discussed. Limitations and future direction of study are also explained.

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[1] بزیغ، شوقي، مرجح سبق ذکرہ، ص88

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